Welcome to Kemet Lives!

Thank you for visiting us! We invite you to embark on a journey with us as we introduce sesh medew netcher (later called hieroglyphics by the Greeks) infused apparel, fine art and home decor.

New products will be launched every month, so join the mailing list and follow us on IG @kemetlives to share your thoughts, needs and desires for apparel, fine art and home decor inspired by the civilization of Kemet and their writing system sesh medew netcher.

What We Believe

1) The civilization of Kemet and its predecessor civilizations (100k+ years) gave birth to Western civilization and many others.

2) For thousands of seasons all of the cultures of Afrika and the Diaspora have been consistently under attack. Nevertheless, even while under attack, we always make a way to excel at the highest levels, no matter the odds, in every area of science, technology, medicine, academia, art, music, sport, etc.

3) The more than two thousand seasons of attacks has one, and only one, purpose: to distract us from discovering who we really are and the incredible intelligence and power we all share! Who better to improve the civilizations of today's world than those who gave the world its first and greatest civilization.

4) The Ancestors foretold this two thousand season onslaught and prepared for it by creating messages that could not be hidden or destroyed. 

5) The Ancestors' messages are transmitted on both the physical and metaphysical level. Everyone may begin to receive these messages -- one of the keys to success is intention.

6) Sesh medew netcher (called hieroglyphics by the Greeks) is a tremendous source of power and awakening. The intentional act of viewing, wearing, reading, meditating or studying sesh medew netcher enables us to more precisely "tune" into the communication from the Ancestors.

7) Kemet Lives mission is to become a beloved supplier of all things sesh medew netcher to you, your family, friends and colleagues. We all have an incredible opportunity to sharpen our eyes and tune our ear to the Ancestors.

Follow us on IG @kemetlives and share your thoughts. Join the movement!

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